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School Admissions


Admissions policy for 2025-26: Annual Consultation

Along with all other schools and academies in Devon, we are consulting on an admission policy for 2025-26. The Local Authority is also consulting on its admission arrangements. You are invited to look at the proposals which are based on policies for this year and next year and have your say. Our proposed policy is on our admissions page on our website and you can see all policies at . Further information is here: The consultation runs until 12 January 2024. Policies will be determined by the end of February and published in the same places by 15 March next year. You can comment at or by emailing the Trust at

Our admissions policies can be found here

Fremington Primary School's SCB have adopted Devon County Council's admissions statement, which is:

This information on school admissions is for children who live in the Devon County Council area - at an address where Council Tax is liable to be paid to one of the 8 District councils in Devon.

Contact Admissions

Tel: 0345 155 1019

If your child lives in another local authority area - including Plymouth City Council or Torbay Council – you should access information on their websites as some may differ slightly. For contact details for other local authorities go to Devon County Council's School Admissions website for details Your child must be in full time education at the beginning of the term following his or her fifth birthday. This would be at a school unless you decide to educate at home, in which case you should contact the Education Helpline on 0345 155 1019 for advice on the process.

The consequences of a child of statutory school age not being in full-time education can include a referral to the Education Welfare Service. There are legal sanctions where a child does not receive an appropriate education. For advice, please see information on Attendance

If you would like your child to attend a school or academy which is state-funded, the law says you have to make an application for admission. Neither the local authority nor the school (including academies) will assume that you want a place and reserve one for you - even if you have an older child at the school or live next to the school. Everybody has to apply. The local authority has a legal duty to manage applications for the first admissions intake to schools which are funded by the state. This is in order to make the process as fair and straightforward as possible. We do this through our Co-ordinated Admissions Schemes which enable all parents to apply for a school place at the right time. You can view these schemes and other policies on Devon County Council's website:

If you are considering making an application for your child to join the school then we warmly invite you to visit us. Please contact the school office via email:  or telephone 01271373979.

​All admissions to the school (Reception to Year 6) are managed by Devon County Council. 

Please follow the link below to support you in this process.

​For further information about admissions including in-year applications and appeals, please see the Tarka Learning Partnership website - click here.


Normal Round Admissions

This is when children start at a school at the earliest possible time for that school or (for schools which provide education all-through from Reception to Year 11) who transfer at the start of Year 7. Normal round admissions are at the beginning of:

  • Reception for primary and infant schools
  • Year 3 for junior schools
  • Year 7 for secondary schools
  • Year 10 for studio schools and university technical colleges and for those FE College and sixth forms with provision for students aged 14-16
  • Year 12 for schools with a sixth form
  • Various Year Groups across the country for middle and high schools

Normal round admissions schemes have closing dates for applications. Parents who apply after the closing date will still have their applications considered but may find that all places at a particular school will have been allocated to those who did apply on time. Evidence that there has been a change in circumstances for the family or at a new school may be accepted to allow an application after the closing date to be considered as on time.

Our Planned Admission Number (PAN) is 52 per year group.

In Year Admissions

This is when children start at a school at any time other than the normal round – either in another year group or in a normal round year group that has already started. Applications for in-year admissions can be made at any time although places will not generally be allocated further in advance than eight school weeks. You can read about this in The In-Year Admissions booklet (available soon).

For further advice contact the Education Helpline on 0345 155 1019 or email

For further details about in-year applications and appeals, please see the Trust website:

Nursery Admissions

Children start at Fremington Nursery currently when they are three, they can claim their funded hours the term after they are three: for example if your child is three in the October, then they start their funded place with us in the January (Spring Term). Your child can start with us as soon as they are three, but we charge an hourly rate for this - currently £5.50 per hour or part hour. This is the same charge for any hours that your child does over their funded hours.

We have an application pack to fill in, and we suggest that you visit our setting prior to applying. In the half term before they are due to start with us you will be invited to come to a parents meeting at Nursery where you can ask any questions, sort out the sessions you require (we aim to offer parents the sessions they require but it will depend on numbers already in the setting) and find out further information about Fremington Nursery, and your child will be invited to attend 2 settling sessions prior to starting. Your child and you are then ready to begin the learning journey with us at Fremington Nursery.